Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What is Government?

Goal: Read lesson one about different theories behind government and create a graphic organizer to understand our ideas 

Essential Question: What is government, and what are its basic functions? 

CNN Ten 
Hypothetical Partner Questions 
Set Up Graphic Organizer 
Read the Chapter 
Set up Google Classroom 

1. Journal 
What is the purpose of government? 

2. CNN Ten 
Let's check out today's 10 minutes of news. 

3. Hypothetical Partner Scenarios 
- I am going to give you three scenarios to consider. 
- With your partner, write the following on your whiteboard table: 
  • 2 adjectives that describe the situation
  • How you might feel if you were in this situation
  • What kinds of people or groups might “do well” in a situation like this? 
  • Propose a way that the situation may have been prevented or controlled AND by whom
4. Set Up the Graphic Organizer
Create a table in your journal that looks like this: 
You will fill out the chart as we read through the text. At the end of our reading, there will be questions to answer.

5. Read the Chapter 
  • I am handing out the chapter on paper. 
  • You will each get a copy to read (although sometimes in this class we will use digital texts, today we are using paper texts to get the hang of it). 
6. Google Classroom
  • There is an assignment posted in Google Classroom called "1.1 Purposes and Origins of Government" 
  • You should complete this before the end of the period. 
  • The code to join our class is v3y8iz

This week is Halloweek! Dress up accordingly:
  • TOMORROW: Pajama Day 
  • Thursday: Halloween Costumes 
  • Friday: School Colors (Maroon and Gray) 

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